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Reduce risk in cerebrovascular surgery.

Flow measurement during cerebrovascular surgery saves time and reduces the risk of intraoperative and postoperative stroke.  

Flow is a vital parameter during cerebrovascular surgery; including flow in my surgical approach gives me a high degree of control over surgical outcome. When I close the patient, I know the patient will recover without ischemia surprises.

However, many neurosurgeons are unaware of the benefits of measuring flow.

In response, we created the Cerebrovascular Handbook — a leading resource for surgeons looking to get the most comprehensive data about measuring flow during cerebrovascular surgery.

In this handbook, you’ll learn:

  • In depth information on the flow-assisted surgical technique (FAST) during cerebrovascular surgery;
  • A case example of the use of FAST;
  • Information on the use and benefits of FAST for a variety of cerebrovascular conditions;
  • Frequently asked questions about measuring flow and FAST during cerebrovascular surgery.

To get your copy of the handbook instantly, fill out the form.

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