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Flow Assisted Surgical Technique (F•A•S•T)
in Cerebrovascular Surgery

Judy didn’t even get to eat her cake… 

Judy was enjoying her 60th birthday party. Her friends and family were singing “Happy Birthday” while Judy laughed at her husband, who was warbling off-key as always. Suddenly, Judy collapsed into her chair with a splitting headache. Less than an hour later, she was rushed into surgery for a life-threatening aneurysm.  

Fortunately, the above account is fictitious. Unfortunately, the statistics are not. “Judy” is among the lucky few. Between 80% and 95% of cerebral aneurysm victims are unaware of their condition until the aneurysm ruptures.

Fortunately, surgeons can save lives like Judy’s more easily than ever before, thanks to innovative surgical techniques like F•A•S•T.

Importance of Flow Assisted Surgery


Successful aneurysm clipping requires stopping blood flow into the aneurysm while preserving blood flow in the parent vessel and distal branches, while cerebral occlusive diseases require augmentation of flow through an EC-IC bypass.

Flow Assisted Surgical Technique uses transit-time ultrasound to provide the quantitative, intraoperative measurements surgeons need to make informed decisions during both types of surgery.

Innovations In Blood Flow Measurements

In a recent paper, Drs. Nick Khan and Jacques Morcos (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine) discussed their use of the single-donor/two-recipient approach during an EC-IC bypass. This approach was introduced by Drs. Gregory Arnone and Fady Charbel in 2019.

Transonic's Flowmeters and compatible Charbel Cerebrovascular Flowprobes enables surgeons to use F•A•S•T®
to improve outcomes in the following areas:

  • Cerebral disease management
  • Flow preservation aneurysm clipping surgery
  • EC-IC bypass surgery
  • AVM resection surgery

To learn more about Drs. Arnone and Charbel’s pioneering work, as well as best practices using F•A•S•T®, access our neuro protocol handbook, “Flow-Assisted Surgical Technique (F•A•S•T) during Cerebrovascular Surgery.”

Read the Handbook Now