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Infusion Therapy


Medication / Fluid Flow Rate and Delivered Volume

Benefits of Measurement

Provides independent verification of delivered dose to help avoid over/ under infusion, and improve outcomes

Technology Utilized

Transit-time ultrasound

Measurement Highlights

Transonic's Transit-Time Ultrasound Flow Measurement (TTFM) through sterile tubing is the gold standard for blood flow and volume verification. TTU measures volume flow unlike Doppler which measures only velocity. Wide beam ultrasonic illumination of transit-time ultrasound flowsensors measure the velocity of fluid across the entire vessel lumen to derive volume flow in mL/min or L/min, and can measure low flows down to 0.5mL/min. Transonic TTU technology measures flow in any type of fluid because measurements are not dependent on particulate matter in the fluid in order to measure flow. Fluids such as saline, medication, and physiological buffers can be measured with transit-time ultrasound unlike Doppler measurements which requires signals to bounce off moving particles within a fluid in order to measure flow.


Bubble Detection

Benefits of Measurement

Detects bubbles to help the user identify potential issues and improve clinical outcomes

Technology Utilized

Transit-time ultrasound

Measurement Highlights

Transonic's Transit-time Ultrasound Flow Measurement (TTFM) has the capability to detect bubbles, and algorithms can be integrated with your OEM device to stop the pump in the event of detected bubbles or send alert messages to the user.