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Flow Measurement in Vascular Surgery:
Case Reports

Excellence comes in many shapes and sizes. Recently, it came in a shape of a Baker’s Cyst, or more precisely, it’s excision. And “case” is the operative word, since we had the opportunity to watch said surgical excision—and a popliteal-to-popliteal bypass—at the talented hands of Dr. Tanja Frieß, Chief Physician and Head of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery at Marienhaus Clinic.

Not all surgeons take a few minutes to confirm that a bypass has restored flow to their satisfaction, but Dr. Frieß wants to make certain that her patients have the best possible chance of full recovery, so she does. Quantitaive flow measurement beats guess-work every time. Dr. Frieß has integrated flow measurement so smoothly that her surgical procedures run like a Swiss watch. Her work truly is a privilege to watch.

Baker's Cyst Excision

Case report from Dr. Tanja Frieß, Chief Physician and Head of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery at Marienhaus Clinic.


Click here to download this visual guide which shows the excision procedure in which intraoperative popliteal arterial flow was measured intraoperatively to assure preservation of blood flow to the lower extremity.

Pop-Pop Bypass

Case report from Dr. Tanja Frieß, Chief Physician and Head of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery at Marienhaus Clinic.


Click here to download the flow-assisted protocol for popliteal to popliteal arterial aneurysm bypass surgery.

XRay of legs

Learn More about Vascular Flow Measurements

Talk with a flow expert today to learn more about how flow measurement can easily be integrated into your surgical procedures.

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